Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sci-Fi. The Greatest Genre of All...

I watched a decent Sci-fi film called Equilibrium tonight. The film places Christian Bale (Batman Begins, American Psycho) in the role of an elite Government Agent who tracks down lawbreakers and kills them executioner style. Unfortunately, in this world of the future, it is illegal to have feelings. If, for instance, someone lamented killing a firefly because it was a pretty glow-bug, they would be shot in the face. Emotions are regulated by drugs that the government forces the masses to take. Things get interesting when Christian Bale's character forgets to take his emotion suppressors and then he is put in a position where he has to kill an innocent puppy... (cliffhanger!)

Allow me to digress for a moment to say that I love Sci-Fi films. Sci-Fi is a fantastic and wholly under-appreciated genre. No matter how far-fetched the plot, every good Sci-Fi film makes you consider that you-- as a mere mortal within the gigantic cog of humankind-- have no idea where the human race will be in a couple hundred years.

Back to the movie:
Equilibrium was a good flick, but it borrowed heavily from the Matrix, which had superior production. Had Equilibrium been released a few years before the Matrix, it probably would have been a huge box office hit. As it stands, it is relatively unknown flick which seems to copy the action sequences and costumes without surpassing them. However, if you like Sci-fi films and have free time on your hands, I say go for it.

Overall Grade: B minus (on a scale that includes A+++)

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Brice Lord said...

SciFi's good stuff. It gets hated on a lot but then a hit like the Matrix comes around and nobody realizes they're watching SciFi. SciFi is also fun to type. SciFi.

By the way, notice how your post switches from double-spaced to single-spaced after the picture? That means you're gay.

Brice Lord said...

In answer to your question about fixing the formatting, you'll have to dig around the google blogger tech help blog or whatever it's called. Some of the templates in blogger have this issue and you'll need to fix it so it doesn't drive you crazy.

CJ said...
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CJ said...

Can't you do all the work for me?

I changed my template... hopefully that will work out for me.