Monday, August 27, 2007

PRK Lasik Surgery

Daily Readers:

I am fast approaching my PRK eye surgery date. Unfortunately, once my eyes go under the laser I will be forced to do nothing but sleep for approximately a week. This means I probably won't update my page until after Labor day. I know this may come as a great inconvenience to those of you with boring jobs-- but hopefully my amazing new eyesight will make for amazing new posts when I am back on my feet.

Anticipating my surgery, my parents came down to DC with their two pugs. Nothing emasculates a man faster than having to walk three Pugs four times a day. The whole "toy" dog breed is magnified exponentially when you have a throng of Pugs around you. My apartment is a sea of panting, eyes, and wrinkles.

I have prepared sunglasses, books on tape, and music for the occasion. But the idea of risking my eyes is a bit unnerving... and I am getting more nervous as the time approaches...

I will catch you all on the flip-side.

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