Thursday, August 9, 2007

Movie Review: Fearless

Did I mention I watch a lot of movies? Well, I do. I got Blockbuster's Total-Access plan, and now I am drowning in films.

The latest of these films was Jet Li's Fearless. Fearless is a Kung-Fu movie set in China with the premise that one Chinese man has the guts to fight the world's four best fighters in a tournament. The film, like most Kung-Fu movies, suffers from horrible bouts of over-acting. Happiness is depicted by belly-shaking laughter, sadness is depicted by hysterical crying, and introspection is subtlety conveyed by grabbing one's chin and saying "hmmm."

This is a small gripe, however, because no one watches Kung-Fu movie for the dramatic sequences. Fearless delivers in the more important action category, with some pretty awesome fight scenes. However, I have always had a personal gripe with Jet Li's voice- it is high-pitched and squeaky (not heroish)- which has ruined several of his roles. No matter how big of a badass you are, a really high-pitched voice is going to make people laugh at you (IE. Mike Tyson). Perhaps, that is why American Jet Li films wisely choose to make him a silent character.

Overall Grade: B

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