Saturday, August 11, 2007

The fabulous wealth of a website blogger...

Many of you have sent me emails and comments over the last few weeks asking how much do I get paid to blog. Rather than answer you each individually, with a nice personal touch, I have opted to just post the results of three weeks of running a blog.

First, as an overview, the website has 403 Page impressions. I don't know what that means, but i think it implies the total amount of times my page has been loaded (not to be confused with unique people coming to see my blog). The total number of unique visitors (218-- "unique "begins anew each day) is tallied at the bottom of my page. This means I visit my page twice as much as everyone else combined.

Of those of you who visit, two of you have clicked on the advertisements. This generated 27 cents. One person searched on the google bar at the bottom of my page, but they did not click the advertiser link (no moolah). Four people clicked on the Google pack link, but did not actually download it (nada).

So in total: $0.27 + $0 + $0 = $0.27

Divide by three weeks at about an hour or two a day and essentially I am getting paid about half a cent an hour. But I do it for the love... obviously.

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