Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mustache Poll Update:

Twenty-four hours of the Mustache Poll are almost behind us...

...And there is an even split in votes. This is NOT helpful. Those of you who have not voted need to kick-in and break the tie.


Unknown said...

To help us decide, i really think we need to see some photoshopped pictures of what you look like with each of these mustaches. The mustache may look silly on it's own, but maybe you do really have the face for a spanish mustache and we'll never know.

MPC said...

Thank god one of my sporadic and boredom-fueled visits to this site landed before this most important decision was made.
You're really limiting your choices as far as mustaches go. please direct yourself here;

bask in their glory.. bask I say!

CJ said...
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CJ said...

Photoshopping is an excellent suggestion. I wish I had the technical skills to pull it off.

Marsh, that website is an inspiration to us all... Unfortunately, I have not found any fake mustaches that look like that... something tells me they don't make these awesome works of art in bulk. But if they do...