Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day, arrr

Arr Maties. T'was talk like 'e pirate day today, ye rapscallions. I hope ye all seized the opportunity to bust out some "arrs" and some pirate-themed jokes. Like, per se, if ye coworker was wearing a preppy sweater, ye could say "nice arrrrgyle sweater, wench."

I did, fer certain. No foolins, I did.

Then me great parrot swooped down in a swoop of bright primary colors and attacked a man's eye for lookin' at me funny. Har har har. Now that was FUNNY.

I took the eyeball from me parrot and placed it on my left hook, and whenever some one said "aye, aye Captain," I would say that's not an "Aye, this in an EYE!" Then we'd laugh our pirate laughs, and dance our pirate jigs. And much drinkin, and pillaging, and triple-homicidin' was done.

Tis' true, I love the holiday season.


blahgger said...

You fight like a dairy farmer.

CJ said...

How appropriate! You fight like a cow!

MPC said...

Did they give you drugs for you eye operation??

CJ said...

Arrr 'tis true... I have two glass eyes, and never learn'd to read.