Saturday, September 29, 2007

Horatio Sanz: Sans Humor

My old college buddy, and fellow blogger, Marsh is in town this weekend to visit his girlfriend. At my suggestion, and over his girlfriend's objection, we went to see Horatio Sanz do improv at a local theater...

Ouch. Way to make me look like an idiot, Horatio. I have never gone to a humor show that I thought was absolutely horrible until last night. At frequent intervals I was actually compelled to heckle the performers.

I suspect with a high level of confidence that Horatio and his friends got wasted before they went on stage. Half of what they said made no sense, most sentences contained ridiculously long awkward pauses, and the performers consistently talked over one another.

The only semi-entertaining part was that I got to yell my favorite improv activity suggestion: "COCKFIGHTING!"

Never see Horatio Sanz perform. And yet somehow I feel relatively confident that none of you would have seen him perform had I said nothing at all..

1 comment:

MPC said...

Best part of the night: seeing the "cockfighting" suggestion in person.