Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hap-py Hannukah!

Hap-py Hannukah everybody!
My first, and only Hannukah present was the amazingly stylish "Hap!"
"What is a 'hap?'" you ask. Well a hap is what happens when a cap and a hat love each other very much. The cap tells the hat he loves it, and gives it a ring, and if the hap accepts they begin a long engagement period. On their wedding night the cap inserts its bill into the hat, and nine months later (if the cap doesn't use protection) a "Hap" is born.

I must admit I have been a bit embarrassed to wear my "hap.' It is kind of a New Jersey style. Which, for those of you have never been to New Jersey, means it is not really a style at all.

But I decided to be brave, and I wore it the last few days. I may never be the same.

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