Saturday, December 8, 2007


The seminal film "Bloodsport" was on TV the other day. It reminded me of how much I used to admire Jean Claude Van Damme when I was little.

Without Van Damme in my life, I probably never would have taken up the martial arts, or honed a rapier sharp wit, or developed a closet cocaine habit.*

Anyhow, on this particular viewing of Bloodsport, I was particularly attracted to the monkey kung-fu style (for the uninitiated, this is the style where you just crouch and jump around like you are actually a monkey) How come more people don't take up the monkey kung-fu? It seems to be relatively effective. The monkey guy made it to the third round before he was killed by a really strong sumo guy. In fact, if you are a monkey kung-fu instructor, I recommend you use this in your advertisements.

"Monkey Kung-Fu: It get's you to the third round of Bloodsport."

Also, what the hell is he doing in this picture?

*For potential employers, that was a joke. I do not in fact have a rapier wit OR a cocaine habit.

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CJ said...
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