Monday, July 23, 2007

Plot Idea for a great Sci-Fi Film

Okay, the year is 2120 and the Earth's population is exploding... the major superpowers are slowly eradicating foreign countries in a race for resources like water and arable land.

The world's governments decide that the best solution to avoiding global war is to genetically mutate the the human race into... (wait for it... wait for it....) midgets. Midgets, they figure, are just like regular humans (unlike dwarfs which are disproportionate, and are said to have magical properties) except that they are smaller and would consume less resources. The government goes forward, and alters the DNA of all baby humans in their prenatal phase to make sure they are midgets.

Later in the film, a large army of Wookiees invades planet Earth. In the most climactic scene the Army of Wookiees attempts to take down a shield generator in the middle of the forest before the human midgets can retaliate by firing their planet-destroying-deathstar-ray from their deathstar (which is still under construction.)

Just as it seems like the human midgets are going to be overrun, a skilled force of forest midgets foils the ultra-modern war machines of the Wookiees by using primitive forest traps.

Afterwards the human midgets celebrate in their tree-top village with a fireworks show.


MPC said...

how sad that i'm your first commenter. also, I have adblock enabled, so I don't have to look at your crappy banner ads (and thus cannot click on them)

MPC said...

But good work!

blahgger said...

I almost clicked on the ad for it says they have 1,000's of pictures of beautiful, single little people. But, I am at work. That is the only reason I didn't click it. Otherwise, every ounce of my being is screaming Click that Link!!