Monday, August 20, 2007

Mustache Poll

The great mustache-off is on! I need you guys to tell me what mustache looks funniest. I am going to start a mustache poll shortly. Here are the pictures!

Gambler Mustache:

Chinese Mustache:

Colonel Mustache:

Spanish Mustache:


Helen said...

the "chinese moustache" looks more gay. very cop-from-the-village-people. i would actually vote for the "gay 90's moustache" which to me is more colonel-ey. and has the advantage of the upturned ends, which you can twirl in a maniacal manner. so... and evil colonel. gets my vote.

Brice Lord said...

I don't think you can go wrong with any moustache, which is to say that you can't not look foolish with a moustache.

CJ said...

You make a good point. I have never met a Chinese person with a Chinese mustache. I failed to consider the possibility of twirling the ends of my mustache... which, given a moment's thought, is totally key. Though remember, it isn't a contest about which mustache is the most gay-- it's about which is the most funny...

Also, did you know you can spell mustache without the "o"?! Think of all the time you'll save!

PS- Helen you totally confused me about what mustache you voted for, but I am guessing Chinese...