Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The commercials were too powerful... The song too catchy... and the device too cool...

Today iCAVED and bought the iPHONE. Now I can blog from the road! hooray, we all win!

Speaking of indulgences that sound like the letter "i," I booked myself for laser eye surgery next week. Unfortunately, it is PRK surgery, which requires a much longer recovery time. I have to take a week off from work to sleep and suffer in pain, and I am not allowed to do physical activity for 2 weeks afterward! With PRK they actually reshape your cornea (hooray!) which takes a much longer to heal.

I have decided to put my faith in the power of science... and I am excited just to sleep a lot.


Brice Lord said...

So is PRK better, or are you just cheap?

That $500 would be better put to use in buying Apple stock, btw. Not to make you feel like crap or anything...

JRS said...

should have iSaved your iMoney

CJ said...

why is everyone a hater? the iphone is amazing! i have infinite knowledge at my fingertips... well, assuming I can ever activate the thing.

PRK is superior in that it usually has less complication, and results in less halo effects, etc. But it has a way longer suffering/ recovery period.